mercado inmobiliario españa

Spain popular for real estate investment

Spain continues to be popular in terms of real estate investment. Barcelona and Madrid have seen transactions in 2015 for a total amount comparable to that of 2007.

2015 was the best year in the Spanish real estate sector since the bubble burst. Based on the provisional data available so far, investment in Barcelona could reach 1.6 billion euros, figures not seen since 2007. In Madrid, large investors have or expect to close deals for nearly 3 billion euros. All despite the political uncertainty and the moratorium on hotels imposed by the Barcelona city council.

Owners are not currently selling, waiting for prices go up, which is limiting the properties available.

There are still many investors on the market studying possible operations. While in previous years the main players were opportunistic funds, now the so-called value funds have lower expectations in terms of profit and see is as a longer-term investment.




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