foment de treball infraestructures

Foment del Treball proposes agency to promote infrastructure in Catalonia

Foment del Treball has decided to launch its own economic project for the construction sector in Catalonia.

The association will officially present their plan for the Agència d'Infraestructures de Catalunya to the Government of Catalonia today. This independent body would be funded from both public and private sources and aim to restructure the management model for Catalan infrastructures.

Projects like road and rail access to the port of Barcelona, the main stretches of the Mediterranean Corridor, finishing metro lines L9 and L10 in Barcelona and the main and secondary networks of the Segarra-Garrigues canal are among the 20 priority projects in the agency’s portfolio, falling under the framework of a wider scope of action with more than one hundred basic interventions.

'These infrastructures are needed to make the area competitive,' said Llansó, 'But budgets will be even tighter in the coming years. We have to prioritize better, select the most productive, sustainable and socially beneficial investments.


SOURCES: La Vanguardia

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